Making Connections and Making an Impact

 Making Connections and Making an Impact

I love what I do. I’m grateful every day to have meaningful work that I know benefits young

people, even when it’s hard. Sometimes it can be challenging to have such a short amount of

time with a class; relationship building is immeasurably valuable to education, and we often

don’t get to know the students the same way their regular teachers do. But it’s beautiful to see

the impact we can have, even with just a few sessions, and to know that those messages will

last for years—even decades—after we’ve left their campus. Here’s a short list of some recent

highlights from the classroom:

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We're Back! Live & In Person!

We're Back! Live & In Person!

One of the highlights of being on campus is running into students from previous years, and the Pasadena Waldorf High School students made our day when a group of them saw us walking into the main office, and one announced to her friends, “Those are the sex-ed people!”

Yep, that’s us, we’re back, and it’s great to see you too.

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The Questions Students Are Asking — and why they’re important! By Guest Blogger Sam Joson

The Questions Students Are Asking — and why they’re important!  By Guest Blogger Sam Joson

More Than Sex-Ed gives students the opportunity to ask questions anonymously after each class session. Sure, there’s always a fair number of troll questions, but most of them truly show the different ways young people are learning to move through the world. Below, we explore the kinds of questions students are asking by grade level and why it’s important to pay attention to what they want to know.

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"It's Sex Ed!?! And MY Kids?!?"

"It's Sex Ed!?! And MY Kids?!?"

Right now there’s a bunch of misinformation traveling through Californian parenting circles about what our state actually requires regarding sex-ed in schools.

 We get it. What other topic causes this kind of gnarly gut twisting parental discomfort?

But at More Than Sex-Ed we take our mission to support parents and guardians in their role as primary sexuality educators for their children very seriously. We recognize the widely varying perspectives parents have regarding sexuality and values.

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Why are More Than Sex-Ed workshop series’ so long!?! Can’t kids learn what they need in a couple of hours?”

Why are More Than Sex-Ed workshop series’ so long!?! Can’t kids learn what they need in a couple of hours?”

Let’s consider just how much of our life experience involves sexuality. What else consumes our thoughts the way that longing for intimacy and sexual fulfillment does? How preoccupied as adolescents are we with our sexual identity and worries about whether we are normal? How much of middle and high school is spent navigating the turbulence of attraction and relationships? And that’s only the segue into what we hope is lifelong healthy sexuality!

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