Public Health in a Pandemic--Guest Blogger Laura Gulizia

Public Health in a Pandemic--Guest Blogger Laura Gulizia

“Seriously?” I say to myself as I hear that word on my television: pandemic. Oh, sure I know what that means since my major at Cal State Northridge is Public Health and as a student, I am taught and tested on the different disease outbreaks pretty much every semester. Yep, I chose to be in Public Health about a year before the global pandemic that is called COVID 19 decided to spread like wildfire throughout this world. So, what does this mean for me?

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Single In A Pandemic--Guest Blogger Rosie DePaul

Single In A Pandemic--Guest Blogger Rosie DePaul

So you want to talk about what it’s like to be single? Like really, extraordinarily single. Well, try being single and have your roommate move out during a pandemic.

After a year of a level of socializing I had previously only aspired to, I returned from a work trip and the world shut down. Within 5 days, I had lost two of my three jobs and all the coworkers that went along with that, my roommate had moved home to a different state, and I was quarantined with just my kitchen, cello, tv, and running shoes to keep me occupied.

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